September 2012 Release of the auditing rules V2
September 13th of 2012, the Paper by Nature General Assembly approved V2 version of the Auditing rules, following adoption of the new version of the criteria in December 2011.
The General Assembly also adopted the V2.1 version of the Paper by Nature criteria, as some minor changes needed to be implemented following the adoption of the V2 in December 2011.
PbN Auditing rules V2.1
PbN Criteria V2.1
January 2012 New version of criteria released
So that the label can continuously include the best practices, vigorous review processes have been implemented which incorporate consultations held with key industry players, public bodies, NGOs and consumer organizations.
At the end of 2011, the General Assembly approved a revised version of the criteria (Version 2) in which the requirement level was considerably tightened. The association wanted to take into account the improvements in industrial processes and reach the same level of requirements as European Ecolabels.
These revised criteria were developed with an independent expert body - Bureau Veritas -and allow for the products’ entire lifecycle.
Paper by Nature Criteria V2 15th December 2011
Mai 2012 Development of an official European Ecolabel
The Paper by Nature association has been mandated by the European Union Ecolabelling Board to develop criteria for an official European Ecolabel for Converted Paper Products.
This work is carried on in collaboration with the Swedish competent body and an independent certification organisation, Bureau Veritas. It should be completed in 2013.
See our newsletter below:
Newsletter in French
Newsletter in English
June 2011 : Papier Vert joins Paper by Nature Papier Vert is now a member of the Paper by Nature Association |
Paper by Nature joins Two Sides (UK)
Two Sides is an initiative by companies from the Graphic Communication Value Chain including forestry, pulp, paper, inks and chemicals, pre press, finishing, publishing and printing. Today there are over 300 members. Their common goal is to promote the responsible production and use of print and paper, and dispel common environmental misconceptions by providing users with verifiable information on why print and paper is an attractive, practical and sustainable communications medium.
Paper by Nature adhesion to Two Sides is consitent as we share the same goals and can achieve great work with them.
Download the press release
A Paper by Nature presentation
Please find below an updated version of Paper by Nature presentation
Download the presentation (in french)
Questions & Answers on Paper by Nature
You will find below a document which goes over the questions and answers the association is frequently asked about.
Download the Q&As (in english)
Mai 2010 - Victor Stationery joins Paper by Nature Victor Stationery is now a member company of the Paper by Nature Association. Victor Stationery is a long established manufacturer and leading supplier of quality paper stationery and exercise books to the education, commercial and retail stationery markets. |
E-mailing more dangerous for the environment than paper envelopes: Watch the Papermail Video
The Papermail association launches a video showing that using paper envelopes is, against all odds, better for the environment than emailing.
July 2009: Fast Treillet joins Paper by Nature
Fast Treillet Filing Products is now a member of the Paper by Nature Association.
10 February 2009: Paper by Nature welcomes four new members - Groupe Hamelin, Groupe GPV, La Couronne and BONG
The Ethic Committee of the Paper by Nature® Association has held meeting on February 2nd, 2009 with a view to studying applications to the Paper by Nature® membership. The association welcomes Groupe Hamelin, Groupe GPV, La Couronne and BONG as adherent members. These companies will now undertake the audit leading to the awarding of the Paper by Nature® Eco-label to the products that are compliant with the Paper by Nature® criteria.
9 February 2009 : Official launch of the Paper by Nature Eco-label for converted paper products - Download the press release
The launch of the Paper by Nature Eco-label for converted paper products has been officially announced.
Download the press release (English version)
Téléchargez le communiqué de presse (Version française)
15 July 2008: Take part in the stakeholders' consultation about Paper by Nature Ecolabel's criteria!
The Paper by Nature Association is convinced that cooperation between actors from industry and the non-profit sector is a guarantee of its relevance and effectiveness. That is why we invite you to give us your opinion about the Eco-label's criteria. If you wish to take part, please contact us at to receive details of all criteria. This consultation is open until 10th September 2008.
10 July 2008: Register for updates from Paper by Nature!
If you wish to receive the latest news and updates from Paper by Nature, please fill out the form in the Contact section.
23 May 2008: Official launch of the Paper by Nature Association.
After several months of dialogue and exchange between its key members, the Paper by Nature Association was officially launched on 23rd May 2008. We believe that it represents a major step forward towards clarifying environmental responsibility in the paper converting industry. The founder members of the Paper by Nature Association are the MECSEA, the FEPE, Stora Enso Oyj, UPM Kymmene Oyj and Arjo Wiggins SAS.